Matias Health Chiropractic

Common Symptoms

Neck pain

Neck pain is one of the most common conditions in our society. Sources estimate that neck pain affects up to 25% of adult individuals like people who experience emotional distress, perform their occupational activities in a leaning or seated position, participate in strenuous physical activities, etc. Neck pain can be the result of a variety of conditions which require proper diagnosis to effectively be treated.
Neck pain can become a persistent condition that results in a decrease of function, quality of life and daily activities. At Optimized, we use an integrative approach to not only understand the root cause, but also properly address it and educate you in order to solve the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Lower back pain

Low back pain is amongst the most common disorders that people experience in our society. Low back pain can result in the loss of work days, school, activities and events due to its sometimes intense and debilitating nature. There are two main categories of low back pain which are Acute and Chronic, referring to the length and presence of symptoms. The incidence of any episode of low back pain occurring within a year for any given adult individual ranges between 1-36%, making low back pain one of the most prevalent problems we face in healthcare nowadays.

Low back pain can be cause by a variety of conditions, down below we include some of the most common ones:

Herniated Disks



Muscle Soreness


Sports Related injuries


Pinched Nerves


Poor Mobility

Low back pain can result in a significant decrease in regular activities such as work, school, and other events. At Optimized we use an integrative approach to not only understand the root cause, but also properly address it and educate you in order to solve the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Shoulder pain

Shoulder pain is a frequent condition that is present within our communities. Shoulder issues are complex in nature due to its design and structure. People who suffer from shoulder pain can be significantly impaired by it, resulting in the inability to perform work and participate in sports and other activities. Shoulder pain that is not addressed in a proper and timely manner can become degenerative, resulting in worsening symptoms at time passes. 

The causes of shoulder pain can greatly vary, but can include:


Rotator Cuff Tears

Labrum Tears

Biceps Tendinitis


Shoulder Impingement

Adhesive Capsulitis

Shoulder pain can be a debilitating and incapacitating condition that can disrupt your daily living and quality of life. At Optimized we use an integrative approach to not only understand the root cause, but also properly address it and educate you in order to solve the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible.


Headaches are a fairly common health condition, accounting for 48.9% of neurological disorders in the general population. TMJ (temporomandibular joint) problems on the other hand have a prevalence of 25% in the general population.

Both conditions can be incredibly detrimental and limiting to your daily life as well as sporting activities. Headaches can be classified into primary (Tension, Clusters, and Migraines) and secondary (malignant in nature) headaches, and it is important recognize and properly assess them to treat them effectively.

TMJ issues may arise from a variety of reasons like daily habits such as chewing on ice or hard foods or trauma from sporting events or accidents. 

Some of the conditions commonly resulting in headaches and/or TMJ are:

Chewing Habits



Abnormal muscular tension


Sporting Injury

Motor vehicle accidents

At Optimized we use an integrative approach to not only understand the root cause, but also properly address it and educate you in order to solve the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible.